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Purebred Barbezieux Meat Chickens
The Barbezieux is notable for two reasons: it is the tallest native chicken breed in Europe, and it is one of the best- tasting meat chickens in the world. It is currently ranked second only to the Poulet de Bresse by the French food guide, Gault Millau . As to the former, the Barbezieux will likely tower over any other chicken breed you have on your property, and as to the latter the Barbezieux is revered by some gastronomes as superior to the revered Bresse when the birds are roasted. The skin roasts to a golden color with the smell of wheat, and the meat has a distinct flavor reminiscent of wild game.
NoCo Bresse Barbezieux are pasture raised and finished exacly the same way as our Bresse. Prices are $7 per pound.
Spring 2018 I will have Barbezeiux and Bresse crosses available.

Not in to fancy chicken?
NoCo Bresse also offers Cornish chickens. These are not the Jumbo Cornish Cross "Franken-chickens" that do nothing but eat and poop all over themselves, but the true heritage variety of Dark Cornish and White Laced Red Cornish that geneticists crossed to create the aforementioned "Franken-chickens". We pasture raise our Cornish and finish in much the same way as our White Bresse. 100% Organic, non-GMO and antibiotic free. The difference is the price tag. Cornish are $5 per pound.
Spring 2018, I will have Cornish and Bresse crosses available as well.

Got Eggs?
Yes! We've got eggs! 100% Organic eggs for sale in a rainbow of colors! You will be thrilled each time you open your carton and see all the pretty varieties of egg colors. We keep a flock of Whiting True Blue, Self Blue Ameraucauna, Golden and Black Copper Marans, Isbar, Easter Egger, Crested Cream Legbar, Wyandotte......(just to name a few) Eggs are $5 per dozen
Pure Isbar Hatching eggs also available in limited quantity due to the size of our flock. Our Isbar flock is entirely 1st Import (from unrelated flocks) from parent flocks of Greenfire Farms. 1st Generation Isbars are VERY rare. 2nd Import Isbars are not highly regarded for keeping true to the breed standard. Our hatching eggs are priced according to their rarity. 6 eggs are $25
Hatching eggs from our colorful egg laying flock are $2 per egg.
Chicks from our colorful egg laying flock are $4 per chick when available
*NPIP Pending August 2017
While all of our birds are from NPIP stock, we will not be shipping chicks or hatching eggs until our NPIP certification is in place. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Turkey Talk
Every Spring we raise a small flock of Broad Breasted White turkeys for the holidays. We pasture them and feed them the same way that we feed our delicious meat birds. They are supplemented with 100% Organic, non-GMO foddered feed that we mix right here on the farm. We offer them a daily ration of Milk Kefir for probiotic health. They are finished on non-GMO cereals and Milk Kefir for 4 weeks. They are processed the weekend before Thanksgiving. We do offer frozen turkey as well that are usually processed within 3 months before Thanksgiving. These turkeys are delicious! They require a $60 deposit to reserve since we have limited space for turkeys and the price per pound is $5.50. Hens will finish out at around 23 pounds and toms will finish at around 33 lbs.
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